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Stories about Jack

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Brooke posted this on facebook December 15, 2020

I lost my favorite person in the world today. My stepdad, Jack, died of complications from COVID-19. 

Jack is and always will be my dad, hero, and best friend. He legally wasn’t even my stepdad anymore since he and my mom divorced when I was 7, but he was my dad in every sense of the word. He came into my life when I was 2 and never looked back. 

It pains me that we lost a few years when I moved to Maryland, but the summer I moved back in 2010, we picked up right where we left off. I talked to him more than anyone else. He was my first call when I got my first job, and the second when my mom passed away. (only after my brother). He was the best boyfriend interrogator, always joking how he had a shovel in his trunk and there are a lot of holes in the desert. (You can take the man out of Brooklyn, but you can never take the Brooklyn out of the man).

When people joke that they don’t know how I came out of my childhood even somewhat normal, he’s the reason. He showed up. He showed me unconditional love and looked out for me, even when he was going through excruciating health issues. He was so selfless that he would never admit when he was suffering, even though these last 3 years have been literal hell. He has always been the light on my darkest days.


He was my chosen family and I got pretty damn lucky that he came into my life. He’s the best person I’ve ever met and will always be a part of me. I love you and miss you always, Jack. xo

Jerry Jacob posting on Facebook 

Dear Natasha,

Thank you for setting up this memory page for Jack and being there for him through the highs and lows of your life's journey with him. Conversation at the Shiva Call.

Like Benny, Jack was one of my first friends on 70th street after my parents emigrated to Brooklyn from Israel in 1962. The common thread were our parents who were all immigrants continuing their lives in the US and we all lived on the same block; 70th street, between 20th and 21st Avenue. I think was the youngest and shortest with the boys that included Jack, Benny, Marvin, Bobby and David. I am sorry if I missed or forgot any other names. This is about 56 years ago, give or take.

As Jack was a bit larger to me, I always looked to him as a protector of sorts. I have a 6 year older brother, but among my child friends, I felt he was watching over me.

One special moment that we shared was going to a kind of garage and room behind my house on 71st (we moved a block away), and smoking a pack of cigarettes. Ahead of our time health wise, the brand we smoked was Lark - the first lower in tar and nicotine cigarette. Jack would chuckle at that memory.


Moving forward in this trilogy ( or to make a long story longer), outside of a few conversations we had over the years, I resumed our friendship about 1980 or so when my wife Happy and I moved to California. The same can be said about us and Benny and Alice. We were lucky to move to N. Hayworth - our first apt. and be close to Frida and Max across the street.

Over time, we had the chance to go out with Jack and Natasha and get reacquainted. I think the bond that stays with us is the history we shared. I cherish these innocent years as I get older.

I can only hope that Jack is in a better place and content.

To fond memories.

Our friend Jesse Green posted this on Facebook on December 31, 2020

Jack was an incredible person & special friend. He always treated me as a family friend. I was truly inspired by the love he shared with his beautiful & precious loving bride Natasha. I truly admired the the special love Natasha & Jack exhibited to each other. Totally refreshing and a true example of how God designed and commanded

Melanie Garver posted this after Jack's memorial service on January 6, 2021

Jack was a fun loving and very smart man. He probably did more in his lifetime than the average person. He very much loved Natasha and his whole family and friends. You couldn't help but like the guy. Sometimes I didn't remember Jack's diet but he never complained and usually stopped for a burger before coming to eat at my house. I miss my friend but I have great memories of our friendship.

Ben Kaczor's post about his friendship with Jack on January 1, 2021

Jack and I had met in 1958.We were best friends.  Our immigrant parents were best friends. We went to the bungalow colonies in 1963 with all of our families. We were in the same kindergarten class., same Jr. HS, High School. In 1969 At age 16 our parents sent us to Israel for the summer. After graduating high school in 1971 we decided that we would go to Europe backpacking all the way and ended up in Israel. I was there when he got his first car. we worked as waiters and busboys up in the Catskill Mountains with our friends. We went on countless double dates. If came to my wedding. When Alice and I moved to California in 1975 he followed in 1976 and lived next-door to us. We were apartment 302 and he was in apartment 304. We used to knock on each other doors to let each other know that we were coming in. Alice and I helped him paint his first store on Hollywood Boulevard, black and yellow it was called NO PROBLEM. He was there at my sons Briss, Bar Mitzvah, countless holiday dinners, birthday’s, anniversary’s, vacations and special occasions. we were more then friends, we were brothers from another mother. There was so many stories and so many fun moment’s.

May his memory be a blessing

Natasha, Jack's wife, posted this on Facebook on January 11, 2021

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Dearest friends and family,

Brooke and I wanted to express our deepest gratitude to those of you who attended Zoom service in loving memory of Jack. Zoom gave us the chance to get together from different cities, states and even from overseas. There was so much love radiating at me from the screen, I could physically feel it. It was so comforting and heartwarming. All of us, who loved Jack, needed this memorial so that our hearts could start healing.

Love to all of you. Stay safe and keep your loves ones safe. That's all that matters in life.


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